The Future of Zuant 3D

The Zuant 3D platform is a content management system that allows users to add richness to virtual spaces. Dave Hickson, Zuant’s chief technology officer, discusses the platform’s future. He has developed several upcoming features, such as live guided chat, microforms, and the ability to embed 3D CAD models into the Matterport space.
Live guided chat allows visitors to initiate a text or video conversations with agents. At the same time, microforms are single questions triggered by criteria such as a visitor’s location in the virtual space.

The 3D CAD models can be spun around, broken apart and changed depending on the visitor’s profile. Dave also plans to work with call centre partners to provide tier-one support to Enterprise clients. Finally, content billboards will appear when visitors arrive at certain points or look in a certain direction, allowing them to interact with marketing literature.

With these features, Zuant hopes to add value to the Matterport space and create a richer experience for its visitors. It will also enable Enterprise clients to interact with customers more effectively, using the 3D platform to clean and manage leads.
The Zuant 3D platform will revolutionize the virtual space, making it more interactive and engaging for all.